The HMS team has been back in Canada about a week now.
The past few days have been filled with debrief, reflection and worship.
Last night while we had our final barbeque, and while we worshiped
I had two thoughts.
Two words.
Arriving and Breaking
First off, I have realized that
I need a good breaking.
To be exposed
cracked open
made raw and sensitive
to even the most tender touch of God.
To His leading.
To the breaking of hearts.
Where my heart has become calloused
and does not know anymore how to recognize
the soft touch of hand in need that reaches out
and the finger of God that points me where to love,
that is where I need a good breaking.
I began to ponder, while sitting in circle of students
that just spent the past year on an incredible journey,
what is arriving?
Something true for almost all people
in this life,
is that they want to arrive somewhere.
To reach a goal,
a destination,
a final place.
Somewhere that we can work towards reaching,
something that we can plan on accomplishing.
But, I think, if you want to arrive,
you need to stop heading somewhere else
outside of the present moment.
We so easily wander into thoughts of reaching a place different
and better
than where we are today.
But to be here,
to be present and to realize its impact on everything that is to come.
That is what I think it means to arrive.
To allow yourself to catch up with yourself,
or to pull yourself back from getting too far ahead.
Be here,
now. Really be here.
See the the textures of the colors on the wall.
See the way the light hits the corners of the room
casting shadows and highlights.
Hear the sound of worship,
hear it truly and deeply.
Here the rise and falls and the intonations of voices
being lifted up
and up.
Arrive here, where you are now.
Was the beginning of a semester,
a trip,
a journey leading to this place?
Yes, ultimately.
But only because the present
builds on the present to reach another day.
Each day of your semester,
your term,
your trip,
your life,
is an arrival.
Your destination is to be where you are now in Christ.