Friday, 15 February 2013

To Shake the World

I was surprised, after having not posted for a solid three months, that there are still new page views happening on this ol' blog. Particularly yesterday with a solid 12 views. Perhaps others, alone on Valentine's Day as I was, with extra time to kill, were perusing the old haunts of inspiration like what I hope this place to be. Or perhaps they were merely random wanderers who have never seen this side of web before. My mystery page viewers, whoever you are, I thank thee for thy views, and for this I shall post once again.

With a newfound phone comes newfound possibilities, such as downloading classic literature to peruse and feel more in touch with a deeper sense of soul than I have for a while. On the go recently has been some Tennyson and Blake. The piece that has struck the deepest chord so far is The Poet's Mind by Tennyson. Allow me to quote the final stanza's of this work.

"And in her raiment's hem was traced in flame
WISDOM, a name to shake
All evil dreams of power--a sacred name.
And when she spoke,

Her words did gather thunder as they ran,
and as the lightning to the thunder
which follows it, riving the spirit of man,
making earth wonder,

So was their meaning to her words. No sword
Of wrath her right arm whirl'd,
But one poor poet's scroll, and with his word
She shook the world." 

Wisdom, it is a name to shake. And with a word wisdom can shake the world. 
I feel lately quite lacking in wisdom. Acting poorly towards those I care about the most. 
But may I not forget the power a little wisdom in thought, word and action can offer. 
May it grow as a seed in my mind in heart taking root,
 growing amidst and entangling my words in a radical way.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew, it has been too long since I've seen you. I just visited John and Leslea.

    You have a tremendous set of skills in your posts, education, compassion, love of God and people but an amazing ability to write, to describe and to paint a picture of your landscape. Thank you.
