Sunday 29 January 2012

The End of an Age

An eventful day yesterday. I shall begin at the beginning, or near there so. 

   I had plans for a productive day. Pick up a part to fix a friend's toilet, fix it, head back to my place for a while and read, have a friend over to read with for a while and then head to another friend's birthday party. it was a good plan, both productive and fun. 
  Slightly before noon the plan commenced. I headed to Canadian Tire to pick up a new toilet flush in my 1993 Chrysler Dynasty. While in the checkout line I also decided to buy three tennis balls for a roommate that wanted some to tumble dry something...apparent­ly tennis balls help in this process. 
   Following Canadian Tire I decided that I would go south across the Edmonton River Valley High Level bridge to a little cafe shop called Remedy to pick up a home brewed Chai Tea with soy milk for a friend.
On the way there i debated filling my near empty gas tank at what I think was an Esso station along the way. I decided not to...a good choice. 
   Arrived at Remedy, a longer line than expected but I would wait it out. Made my order, "Could I get a small Chai to go with soy milk". The girl taking orders informed me that soy milk in Chai was her favorite. I smiled politely and felt as if I knew something about ordering good specialty beverages, except this order wasn't for me, so in actuality... I don't. 
Paid for the tea, didn't tip. I don't tip Tim Hortons people, so why would I tip Remedy people. This would come back to bite me. 
   After receiving my order I proceeded back to my car with Tea in hand. Got to my car and discovered that I had not closed the door all the way. I was unnecessarily nervous that someone could have taken something...such as my vintage tape deck and radio or the small wind up penguin that poops out little candies as it waddles. 
Nothing was missing, and apparently no one wanted my car. And perhaps the cop that was parked just down the lot also deterred any would be thievers. I'm going with the prior supposition though. 

   Started the car up, and headed out. About 10 seconds into the drive I was confronted by a large SUV entering into the one way exit which I was trying to exit out of. I knew that my car could have fully taken the pest, but I decided that I would reverse back into the parking lot rather than making the SUV reverse back into the street. I found that the police don't really seem to mind people entering into one way lots either. No bother though, the one way'ness of the entrance wasn't well marked and no damage was done. So off I went again. 

   As I drove with the delicious aroma of Chai Tea drifting through my car I thought about how I was thankful to have this vehicle and the expanded possibilities it opened up for me. Such as being able to conveniently dodge to Canadian Tire or Remedy. No one could deny that this car was a chick magnet; and it provided the ability to be much more creative when trying to think of date possibilities. Yes, having a car was a very convenient thing indeed, I thought to myself. And should I have the money if this one broke down, I would perhaps get another. 

   Before long I arrived at my intended location and proceeded into the apartment. I handed the Chai tea off to its rightful owner and headed promptly to the bathroom, removed the porcelain toilet tank lid, rolled up my sleeves and got to work...for about twenty seconds. I realized that I did not have the strength in my hands to undo the plastic nut fastening the toilet flush to the toilet. And lo, though I will admit I was impressed by what a feminist tool kit does include, such as a flower printed hammer which unscrews into three screwdrivers and a powerful little electric drill, there was no such wrench as I had needed. 

   So as quick as I had come I had to go again. Deciding that it would be a quick drive back to my house only about 6 blocks away I left my coat in this apartment and headed out the door. In my house I quickly found what looked like appropriate tools and headed out again. I decided rather than lacing up my shoes that I would wear my thin cloth Toms on this excursion since it would be an in and out task. 

   Into the car and off I went. Left turn, down one block. Left turn, down one block, stop at stop sign. As I watch a truck pass by I ponder what it would be like to be hit by a vehicle while driving through an intersection. Then I continued on. Down two blocks, left turn. One block, right turn. Approximately four blocks away with no more stops signs I continue one. Down one block, down another. Slightly over one block away from my location I realize that the darker blue car driving down a perpendicular street is definitely not going to yield. I don't remember if I braked (which would have been useless on the unsalted roads of Edmonton). Regardless of whether either of us braked, as I passed through the intersection I discovered what it would be like to be hit going through an intersection. The other car slammed my drivers side at the front wheel, causing a decent indentation and my wheel to take on a significant slant as if a four ton man had climbed into the car and sat down.

   Upon hitting my car the other immediately burst into flames. Fortunately the two individuals riding in the other car were not hurt as they were able to leap from their wreckage before the flames engulfed them. 
Convinced that the accident was my fault they proceeded to yell and curse at me. As I denied my fault vehemently I noticed that one of the other individuals was definitely packing some serious heat and I could tell he was ready to roll. I dove over the Dynasty and proceeded to nab the .49 Springfield Jarren told me he kept fasted to the passenger side rocker underneath the car in case of emergencies. A mad gunfight erupted....

...and back to the real story. 

   Following the initial hit the other car then proceeded to swing and we side swiped each other, knocking off my rear bumper lights,.... and scratching their gas tank. I find this to be humorous. 

   No persons were harmed. We exited our vehicles, knowing I was not at fault helped to make it so I didn't feel like dirt. Though I did feel bad for my counterparts.
 Accidents happen. 
We exchanged information. I texted Abby and informed her that I may be a little late. Phoned the police and they said they would send the next available unit. Then, with no coat and in toms I, and we waited. My old landlord from the apartment I stayed in came out to see the accident, he didn't remember me but he lent me his coat. An appreciated gesture. 

   I was brought my own coat before long and several friends accompanied me and we sorted things out. Many other friends passed by (a college neighborhood), the news of this incident would not take long to spread I anticipated. 

   After about 40 minutes I phoned the police again. They informed me that there were no other calls on the list that day so the unit should be there soon. Another 10 or so minutes with other side stories passed by, we joked about the police taking extra time due to confusion over ordering with the new Tim Horton's cup sizes. Another half hour and they finally arrived. I had almost wished that i had told them that traffic was being blocked or there one of the cars was exploding.  
But no matter, we talked with the police (they were friendly), filled out the reports. Called a tow, had some good conversation with a very friendly tow-man named John.  He informed that my car would likely be a write-off due to its age, I was not surprised. 

After paying the towman I headed back to Abby's with wrench in pocket to fix the toilet. 
Arrived, and got back to work. About 20 seconds in I discovered that I had not actually needed the wrench.
... Insert ironic and nervous laugh...
I also discovered that the "fits nearly all toilets" flush which I had purchased did not really fit this toilet. But I made it work, not pretty but who opens the toilet tank anyway. My job was completed at about 4:30pm.
I decided not to do any homework that day. 
I think I'm going to get a hummer with the insurance money...or a red wagon.

I don't know how she did it... but I should have tipped the Remedy lady.

(Along with the Xia, Han and Jin, this Dynasty shall also now perhaps be mere, but epic, history)

But with all this said, God is good, 
I have some awesome friends, 
and there are some great strangers out there
...but don't forget... stranger danger is real.
  I have been reminded of the importance of not growing attached to material things but to only attach ourselves fully to that which we cannot lose. 
May only the loss of Christ have the ability to shatter our lives. In all else we must continue on with faith and praise.

Monday 23 January 2012

The Fields

I was thinking, Sunday morning about the effort we make
with the difficult people. 
The people who are tough, hardened by happenings
in this life. 
I was thinking about how some people are so ready to receive love,
their hearts are just so prepared and ready 
for those seeds to be planted
and just need somebody to show them of their importance. 
But there are others,
who though they need it just as desperately as any other,
don't know they need, don't think they need
and don't seem to think they need to give it either. 
Its easy to give up on these people,
to try kindness once and
if rejected
to move on.

But I also began to think of the fields.
The fields that after the winter are full of hardened soil,
they are rocky,
and you can sow into them, 
but its unlikely any seeds with even pass through into the ground
much less take root,
much less grow in anything of great significance. 

These are the fields that need cultivation. 
A kind word. 
Though one pass with the cultivator, 
turning the soil and ever so slightly softening,
is rarely enough. 
Another kind word, a selfless deed.
Even yet a seed sown may come to little. 
Another word, another deed, 
another demonstration of their significance.
Perhaps now, after the third pass,
the soil is ready for a seed to be planted.
But perhaps not yet. 

The point is
we cannot give up on people after 
a first act of love is rejected. 
It may take much more than this 
to break down what has built up,
to uproot what has been choking out,
to turn the soils and help them to see
that all along they had something underneath
which could be a place 
for something beautiful to grow out of. 


May I remember that every act I make
every word I say,
may be adding to the stony surface of hardened ground,
or it may be a part of cultivating
and preparing a place for seeds to be sown. 
May I not give up
because I do not see the results on the first pass. 

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
                                                                              - Galatians 6:9

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Where Ever You Are...

Jim Elliot, missionary to Ecuador, once wrote the phrase "Where ever you are, be all there". 
The meaning behind this quote has been one of the challenges we, in the Missions Program at Vanguard,
have often been faced with. 
To take the moments where you are for their fullest potential.
To fully embrace the opportunities you have with individuals in the moments which you have the opportunities.
To not be constantly wishing you were somewhere else, 
expecting and thinking that the 'else' is better than what you have now. 
But the time we have now, is what we have. 
What power would there be if we truly enjoyed the times we are given, whatever we do?
What power would there be if we were able to find contentment with what we have so that we are not fantasizing and setting our sights on what we do not? 
What power would there be if we found solid footing in something more
that gives us the position and stance to stand where we are with great hope
for the potential of now?
Not a self-empowering power. 
Not naming and claiming.
But living, discerning what is good, 
being constantly connected with God 
and being present. 

Here is a sermon to check out on the topic that has got me thinking and challenged me on how present I am being.

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength."
 -Philippians 4:11-13

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Here to There

Home and the holiday season are now behind me. 
Back to school and life with people here.
This year promises many things,
moments that could change a lifetime. 
As God takes me further down this journey of life,
always heading nearer to eternity with Him
May I be intentional in glorifying Him.
May my words be out of love.
May the judgement in my heart be replaced
with compassion and the recognition of God's sovereignty. 
May I fully live these days, 
taking hold of each chance and opportunity,
being wholly awake
and choosing the pursue God in every way. 

Eternal perspective. 

Tuesday 3 January 2012

A White Washed World

Went for a walk today in the sub-zero temperature of Ontario.
Definitely underestimated the wet cold and how it digs into your bones,
didn't think I would need gloves in the sunshine weather...
I was wrong.
 I do love my farm though and being here.
I've been reminded this year though of how
heaven, or perhaps more aptly, just to be with God
 will always be my only real true home.
May I live in that knowledge, 
that I am on  a journey in this life, 
heading home. 

"These all died in faith, not having received the things promised,
but having seen them and greeted them from afar,
and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.
 For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland.
 If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out,
they would have had opportunity to return.
But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one.
Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city." 
-Hebrews 11:13-16